Polish Landowners

Research Polish Landowners


Polish Landowners

This database was created by Logan Kleinwaks from the Digital Library of Wielkopolska publication "Spis alfabetyczny obywateli ziemskich Królestwa Polskiego ze wskazaniem ostatniej stacji pocztowej" ["Alphabetical list of the landowners of the Kingdom of Poland with the listing of their last post office"], published in Polish in Warszawa by E. Skowroński in 1909. This directory is available online in (non-searchable) DjVu format from the Digital Library of Wielkopolska at http://www.wbc.poznan.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?id=3676

Each entry describes the properties owned by a landowner or by multiple landowners with the same surname who jointly own property, according to the following fields:

  • Surname -- the surname of the landowner(s) or "PEŁNOMOCNIK WŁAŚCICIELA" ["PLENIPOTENTIARY OF OWNER"]
  • Given Name(s) -- the given name(s) of the landowner(s)
  • Properties -- the location or locations of the properties (usually, town names) -- multiple locations for the same entry are separated by /
  • Gubernia -- the gubernia of the Kingdom of Poland in which the properties were located (Kal, Kaliska for Kalisz; Kiel, Kielec for Kielce; Lom, Lomz for Łomża; Lub, Lubel for Lublin; Piotr, Piotrk for Piotrkow; Ploc, Płocka, Płockj for Płock; Rad for Radom; Siedl for Siedlce; Suw, Suwal for Suwałki; Warsz for Warszawa)
  • Last Post Office -- town of the last (not necessarily nearest?) post office


Data compiled by Logan Kleinwaks


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Copyright © 2006 Logan Kleinwaks. All rights reserved. Used by Permission.
