Herb Bozezdarz

Research Heraldry Herb Bozezdarz

Herbarz Polski translation

Bozezdarz herb

The following is a direct translation from the classical genealogical and heraldic reference "Herbarz Polski" by Kasper Niesiecki, S. J., Lipsk edition, 1839-1846. Translated by William F. Hoffman.


A white cross, on the ends of which are four black lilies, i.e., one positioned on each arm: on the helm are peacock feathers, and on them is a cross like that on the shield. These arms were awarded in 1442 by Wladyslaw, King of Poland and Hungary, to Jerzy Szwarc or Czarny, Councilman and Townsman of Krakow, but other Szwarces admitted to Nowina arms flourish in Poland to this day as Czernys.


Copyright © 1989 William F. Hoffman. Used by permission. This article originally appeared in Polish Genealogical Society Newsletter  (Vol. XII, No. 2, Fall 1989), the bulletin of the Polish Genealogical Society.
